Monday, August 22, 2005

the f word

Strange thing occured to me at 3:48am, this quiet sunday. Listening to the fish tank's bubbles or it could be the fish passing gas. You do hear the strangest things in a quiet room. All your senses kick in . Okay so it's not that quiet because i could hear the refrigerator rustling an eerie sound thinking maybe it wants to puke out all the food that's been in there for quite sometime. I can hear my ass squishing against this leather couch i sleep on. No i'm not naked, i just have a sweaty ass. Well i think i'm getting off the subject on what i was originally thinking, I get so distracted easily, what was that?...................I'm sitting hear and thinking that my only company could just be my own fear. All these things I hear are distractions so i won't think about fear. Something to humor me by and i'll think of something disgusting or maybe a ham sandwich but i don't have ham and i'll jsut have to worry about that. I can go on and on to distract my fear. My friend worries about FEAR. As if fear is listening all the time, shhhh. When i'm in the shower, i'm worried about FEAR seeing me naked. If I was FEAR i'd be scared to see me in the shower especially those hairy days. Boy would FEAR get it!! I'd like to take FEAR shopping. I'm sure with all the prices FEAR sees it might not go shopping. FEAR might enjoy a walk on the beach, oh so peaceful. Oh FEAR, you are everywhere. I mean what does FEAR know that i don't know about. FEAR can watch television for all i care, not much going on that FEAR doesn't already know.

Friday, August 19, 2005

sunset strip me off!!

 so far i'm worn out. sure don't miss the binge drinking. i figured that out
last night as i struggled puking my brains out. i tossed and turned and i
had an ani difranco song in my head. i got up and puked again. i wanted to
stay on the bathroom floor just in case. i just couldn't hang. i told my
friend i donated my irish blood, just don't have it in me anymore. my body
rejects it and my mind wanders into oblivion mostly in the toilet. so i told
her that i need to go, they were going to hollywood and look at the stars. i
hopped into a cab and there my headache accumulated. i'd noticed that the
meter was changing every single second. i asked the driver if there's
anything wrong with the meter and he responds to me with his foreign accent,
"dun no, i'm new driver." i'm pretty certain that was his response to any
passenger in that car. i told him to look at the meter, my voice was getting
louder, "look at the meter, the price is changing every second!!!!" i told
him i'm not paying forty dollars for this ride. it only cost 20 bucks going
there last night. i've gotten to that point where i said, "i could of just
taken a helicopter." but he kept saying the same fucking thing, "dun no, i'm
new driver." AGHHHH!!! so pissed. i wasn't paying for this shit. i just kept
bitching and bitching and finally he stopped the meter. i told him to call
someone and ask for an estimate price from there to here. TWENTY BUCKS!!!!!
fucker tried to rip me off. thinking maybe i was stupid or something. he
looked at me with that dumb ass look like, "dun no, i'm new driver." bull
fucking shit. i paid the cab driver 20 bucks and my headache went away.

fish in the sea

Heck this is it i'm a blogger. i owe it all to my good friend who educated me in computers and all that fun stuff to do while i'm bored, which is all the time.